Wednesday, February 7, 2007

WAITING : When It’s Wise to Wait

Psalms 130: 5-7 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.

Timing is critical in business, science, and sports. But, most importantly, it’s essential in the believer’s life. To keep in step with the Lord, we need to carry out His instructions in His timeframe.

Waiting on God means seeking further direction from Him while we remain in our present circumstances. It encompasses an attitude of expectancy and readiness. There are several reasons why patience is our wisest course of action.

First, waiting on God allows us to receive direction. Too often, we make decisions based on the influence of our friends or culture. But God is the only source of true wisdom. He knows all things and answers us on the basis of His complete understanding. He is willing to give us clear direction for any large or small decisions we are trying to make. He wants the very best for us in our personal lives, whether the issue is marriage, schooling, business, or relationships (Psalm 32:8).

Second, waiting on God allows us to realize His timetable. To others, it may appear as if we are delaying unnecessarily. But knowing we are walking in concert with God will bring His divine peace to our hearts.

Finally, waiting on God allows us to prepare for His answer and course of action. God may use a season of waiting to strengthen our faith while helping us recognize ungodly motives and areas of sin.

Living godly begins with hearing from God. Have you waited to receive direction from Him?

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