Ephesians 1:19 And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power.
We have power. Its about the strength that progressively increases. Its about that vigor, that dominion, and that manifested power that can be seen. This is all part of the inheritance of the saints.
You inherit His power, to us "...and what is the exceeding greatness of his power who believe..." This inheritance belongs to the believers. An inheritance is something you don't earn; it's something that was left to you.
When Jesus died on the cross, He left you some power, some anointing, some blessings, and some ability. Jesus understood that when it was time for Him to leave the earth, believers would need weapons that were beyond their thinking ability, speaking ability, and beyond their natural education in order for God's will to be done. Without these, they were not going to be able to get the job done.
So, He said that he would not leave us comfortless. "I will send you another comforter, and he will teach you all things and remind you of what I said unto you." That comforter is the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is active, energizing, and effective. He is the power, He is the might, and He performs where you can see it.
Verse 19 tells us this power works "according to the working of his mighty power." The word mighty here means force-His force, His ability. In other words, God wants us to increase in that which is in the Lord, increase in His dominion and in the manifested power of His force and His ability.
Jesus knew we would need power to defeat the enemy. He knew we would need power to perform miracles when necessary, to have supernatural strength when necessary, and to be able to flow and function when everything else was going contrary, so He prayed the Father to send us the Holy Ghost.
Walk in the inheritance that was given to you, it's the power of the Holy Ghost.
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