Monday, March 26, 2007
Don’t Send Me to Africa By Lysa TerKeurst
By Lysa TerKeurst
2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
Since I was a little girl, I’ve had a heart for the people of Africa . To be honest though, I didn’t want to be a missionary who lived in a hut, ate grubs fried on an open flame, and wore tribal headdresses. So, while I prayed for the people of Africa , I would always throw in, “But Lord don’t send me.” I can just imagine God smiling and looking back at me saying, “Really Princess? You don’t want to go to Africa …fine. Then I’ll send Africa to you.”
And that’s exactly what He did. One night while attending a concert by the Liberian Boys Choir, God clearly spoke to my heart and told me that two of those boys were mine. I tried to ignore Him, but to no avail. At the end of the concert, two of the boys walked straight up to me, wrapped their arms around me, and called me, “Mom” After months of prayer and piles of paperwork, we went to pick up our two sons, Mark and Jackson…Africa had come to our home.
No longer was the plight of the starving orphans in Africa a nameless face on TV, they were precious children who deserved a second chance. Not only did we think so, but also the people of my church soon felt moved to also adopt children from Liberia . Today, as I walk up to church on Sunday mornings I am always moved by the precious sight I see. A little white hand holding a little black hand, a brother and sister skipping and laughing together! And something in my heart just knows this is the way it’s supposed to be.
This is the way the body of Christ is supposed to work. God speaks, we listen, He confirms, we obey, and He gives us the strength to do amazing things. I love the verse, 2 Chronicles 16:9, because it brings a picture to my mind of God standing in front of a crowd of people asking, “Who is willing to do an amazing assignment for me?”
Many shrug away and make excuses. But one little girl jumps up and in complete abandon says, “Me Lord! Me! Pick me! I am willing!” Then God smiles, scoops her up, brings her into his loving embrace, and whispers back, “Well done my child…I am so pleased. You have made the good choice. I will give you the strength to do this. Do not be afraid, I will be with you.”
Dear Lord, let me always be that little girl with the up-stretched arm and obedient heart. God give me the wisdom to know Your voice and the courage to say "yes" to whatever You ask of me. My greatest desire is to walk with You all the days of my life. I don’t want to settle for the good life. I want the great life, where I live the adventure You created my soul to live.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
May you dance like no one is watching

When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky.
When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.
My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw "G: I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i".
"God, "u" and "i" dance." => God, you, and I dance.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead. My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and everyday.
May you abide in God as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.
And I Hope You Dance... Dance to Inspire, Inspire to Dance :
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
1 Cor 13:7 Love believes all things
God hasn't given up on you.
He hasn't turned away.
He hasn't walked out.
He could have.
Others would have.
But He hasn't.
God believes in you.
And I wonder...
Could you take some of that belief that He has in you and share it with someone else?
Could you believe in someone?
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
God Makes Everything Work Together For Good
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
In this verse, “all things” is literally all things — the good, the bad and the ugly! Now, it does not mean that all things are from God. Some things, such as accidents, sicknesses, broken relationships and divorces are not from God. They are from the devil or just part of the fallen world that we live in. What this verse does tell us is that “all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose”. That is our inheritance as God’s beloved children.
Do the people of the world have this inheritance? No. When bad things happen to them, they are what they are — bad things. But when bad things happen to the children of God, it does not end there. God can make those bad things work together for good. In other words, the devil may throw lemons at you, but God can take those lemons and make refreshing lemonade for you!
It is important that you remember that God is not behind anything that is bad and ugly. But when those things happen, know that He is able to make all things work together for good. And don’t let anyone tell you that all things will work together for good only if you love God and are called according to His purpose. These two things are not conditions but descriptions of believers. Believers are those who love God because they know that God first loved them. (1 John 4:19) And they are called according to His purpose for they have been born again.
And because you have been born again, all things in your life will work together for good. This is your inheritance as a beloved child of God!
Pray In The Spirit
Jude 1:20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.
When you are faced with a crisis, you can tell the Holy Spirit, “I don’t know how to pray about this problem. I have done everything I know, but I don’t seem to be getting my breakthrough. Help me pray, Holy Spirit.”
And as you pray in the Spirit, you will feel like there is a prayer going on within you. Flow with it until you feel a release. You will feel the burden lift, and peace and a note of victory inside you. The Holy Spirit will assure you that everything is going to be all right or He will prompt you to do something. Then, you will find that what has been hindering you from receiving your breakthrough is removed, and in its place is the answer that you need!
Sin Cannot Stop God's Grace
Romans 5:20 Moreover the law entered that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.
When a top executive is caught for embezzlement or a church minister is involved in an illicit affair, you will often hear the phrase “fallen from grace”. We have come to believe that when someone falls into sin, he falls from grace.
But God wants us to want know that when someone falls into sin, he does not fall from grace. He actually falls into grace! And God’s grace is there to put him back on his feet.
The Bible tells of prostitutes and tax-collectors — sinners — who fell into God’s grace and got back on their feet. If the sin in their lives could stop God’s grace, they would never have been able to receive His grace of healing, help and power.
Now, it is important you understand that God hates sin because it destroys our lives, relationships and bodies. Sin is evil! But it is not overcome by us talking about sin and relying on our willpower. It takes the grace of God to destroy sin. In fact, it is when you are under His grace that sin has no dominion over you. (Romans 6:14) It is when you see His grace in providing His Son to put away your sins and make you forever righteous that sin will not dominate you.
The devil will say to you, “You think that you can still expect God’s blessings after what you did this morning?” That is when you must say, “Yes, what I did was wrong. And it is because I am imperfect that Christ is my righteousness and perfection. It is because I am undeserving that I plead only the grace of God, which is His unearned, unmerited, undeserved favour towards me.”
Sin does not and cannot stop God’s grace. If the grace of God can be cut off by sin, Jesus would never have come to save us because we were all sinners. But praise God, “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more”!
See how God’s grace is bigger, stronger and more powerful than your sins. Receive His grace right now to walk in victory over that weakness or sin in your life, and in every area of your life!
FEAR NOT : A Strange Time for Fear
Normally, we think of fear in terms of failure. We tend to become afraid when we experience a major setback and feel inadequate. Or, we may be shaken when we make a big mistake and think there’s something wrong with our judgment. These are the times when we would almost expect fear to strike, right?
In 1 Kings 18, Elijah demonstrated a radically different attitude when he experienced one of the most dynamic victories in all of Scripture. Armed with only his unflinching faith in the Lord, he faced down 850 false priests. God moved mightily and destroyed the idolaters, bringing glory to Himself throughout Israel.
But right after this confrontation, when his faith should have been at its strongest, Elijah became scared. In 1 Kings 19, the prophet learned that the evil queen Jezebel had called for his death. Apparently forgetting God’s mighty victory just moments before, Elijah ran away. How could this be?
Elijah’s story reminds us that our failures may not pose the greatest danger to spiritual growth after all. Potential for destruction may actually lie hidden within our successes. When our confidence is at its peak, we can sometimes turn our eyes away from the Giver of strength. Instead, we focus on ourselves.
Your victory is always in God’s hand. Don’t be fooled. He may work in, around, or through you to accomplish His purpose. But it’s always His victory. Have you been distracted by success? Turn your eyes back to God. All praise, glory, and freedom from fear are His.
FEAR NOT : How to Handle our Fear
A believer is captive to fear only when he or she chooses to be. Some people actually organize their life (or at least portions of it) around avoiding anxiety. But God’s children don’t have to live in that kind of bondage. His key to our shackles is trust.
At some time, fear enters the life of every believer. But it doesn’t need to remain long. To confront and overcome our concern, we must first acknowledge its presence. Ignoring anxiety, or trying to work around it, will likely cause us to step out of God’s will.
After we have admitted to being afraid, the next thing we must do is identify the nature of our fear. Sometimes, we feel anxious without knowing the reason. But the Holy Spirit can reveal why we are being held captive.
Next, we must begin the process of defeating fear’s hold on our lives. What better tool could there be for breaking chains than the Bible, the “sword of the Spirit” as it’s called in Ephesians 6:17. God’s Word speaks to our individual fears. Use a concordance to find specific practical help. Or, for more general encouragement, turn to Isaiah 41:10. Read and memorize this important promise.
When you feel anxious, take Isaiah 41:10 back to God by praying, “Here’s what You said, and I believe You because You never lie. So I will trust You, Lord, to work in this situation.” Trusting God is the only way to be free from fear. Decide whether you are going to believe God and His promises or be chained by your emotions.
FEAR NOT : Facing Our Fears
Fear can creep into a person’s life and wraps itself around his mind and heart. This happens so subtly that he doesn’t recognize how anxiety has affected his decision-making, his health, and his spirit. Ultimately, many people miss God’s best. Their lack of faith keeps them from stepping out to do His will.
The fear may seem unimportant at first. But left unchecked, it can interfere with our lifestyle. Physically, tension may keep us from relaxing and enjoying the best each day has to offer. Constant anxiety can lead to health problems. Our mind can become clouded by fear, which can limit what we’re willing to think about and consider. Once that happens, our dreams and creativity will almost certainly be stifled.
Most dangerous to our spiritual lives is the mental paralysis that often accompanies unchecked fear. Unless it is submitted to God, a single anxiety can easily rule over us and color our attitude with a general sense of uneasiness. We become indecisive and worry that we will make poor decisions. This mindset entraps us, as we try to avoid anything that might cause fear. As a result, we stop growing as Christians, and our work and family life suffers.
This is a worst-case scenario. But, fear can affect you in many ways. When you attempt to ignore your anxiety or work around it, you aren’t placing complete trust in God and following Him wholeheartedly. Make an honest assessment of your life, and ask the Lord to reveal instances where fear is holding you back.
Obedience : The Priority of Obedience
How many of us would say the son obeyed his father? Some of us treat God the same way. We approach Him with rationalizations and arguments, instead of submission. When Saul spared an enemy king and kept the best of the war plunder, He disobeyed God. The Lord commanded him to destroy everyone and everything, but Saul followed his own plan.
First, he argued that he followed the Lord’s command. With the exception of the rival king, everything had been wiped out (1 Sam. 15:13 & 15). When the prophet Samuel rebuked Saul for disobedience, the king passed the blame to the people. He also attempted to justify the sinful action by claiming he was planning to offer the choice plunder as a sacrifice. Persistent disobedience led the Lord to withdraw His blessing from Saul’s reign.
We might think our rationalizations sound convincing. But God isn’t fooled. He requires complete obedience. When we choose to follow only portions of His will, we are actually being disobedient and there will be consequences. Anytime we step outside God’s will for our lives, we can expect consequences for not choosing the right path.
Obedience : The Key to God’s Heart
You may be familiar with the phrase “holding the key to someone’s heart.” It means we know what will make someone else happy, and we do those things because we want him or her to feel loved.
Believers hold the key to God’s heart. If we want to please Him and show Him our love, we will be obedient to all He commands.
The most important principle for living is submission to God’s will. Every other discipline of the Christian life whether it’s worship, devotion, good works, or humility, springs out of obedience. For this reason, Scripture tells us in Hosea 6:6 to love loyalty more than sacrifice. We can’t live successfully before God without obeying Him.
Some Christians get caught up in doing everything “by the book,” thinking their spiritual actions will prove how faithful they are. They follow all the rules, frown upon those who don’t, and feel very pleased with themselves for making it so easy for the Lord to love them. But good behavior designed to impress others doesn’t honor God. He wants Christians to act out of love for Him, not out of conceit.
Obedience is more than following a list of rules. A wise believer is, first of all, in touch with the Lord daily to discover His will. Secondly, a mature Christian is committed to obeying whatever he or she is called to do.
Good works and acts of worship may convince the world we are faithful to God. But the Lord knows our intentions. Only through honoring him with our daily obedience can we unlock His heart.
WAITING : Learning to Wait
What are you and I to think when God withholds His answer to our prayer? Most likely, you’ve wondered about this at some point. As creatures bound by time, we can find those ticking seconds very frustrating.
God doesn’t see us simply in the here and now. He perceives the big picture all at once, where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. And, He knows the exact impact on our lives of every little decision, action, or blessing.
Does God want to bring something into your life that would absolutely destroy you? Of course not! He knows what may be a tremendous blessing later could completely devastate your life now. For this reason, He often pauses to give you time to prepare for that blessing.
Learning to wait on God is difficult. Patience successfully demands at least three things from us. First, we must be sensitive to Him. That is, we must nurture our relationship with the Father so we can hear Him when He tells us to wait. Second, we must trust His judgment. Does God know more than we do? Of course. Then doesn’t it make sense to trust Him? Finally, we must be obedient. If we try to accomplish something alone after God tells us to wait, then we’re headed for disaster. God blesses obedience, even obedient waiting.
The Lord doesn’t operate in a vacuum. He works within His relationship with you. Never forget He is actively walking with you, even when He withholds an answer to your prayer. It doesn’t mean He’s not there. It simply means He’s looking out for you even more.
WAITING : The Grace to Wait
Psalms 62:1-2 Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved.
For most of us, waiting in line is pure agony. We arrive at a doctor’s appointment on time. But we’re forced to sit in the waiting room for what seems like forever. We go to the grocery store for just a few things, and get stuck in a long checkout line. And, then, there’s the glacially-paced traffic jam at the bank drive-thru! It seems no one in our culture likes to wait.
When we take something to the Lord in prayer, we bring our human impatience with us. We may make a request and expect an immediate answer. If God doesn’t spring into action right away, some people may think prayer doesn’t work. They believe God didn’t hear them, or He simply wasn’t listening.
How tragic! Compare that attitude to King David’s. He was only 16 years old when God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint him as king. Yet, 16 more years would pass before that promise was fulfilled. What did David do during that time? Did he moan and groan, shaking his finger at the Lord and demanding his throne now? Not at all. David understood God was trustworthy. He also realized his heavenly Father was not only the God of who and what, but also of when and how. David wanted the kingship only when God was ready for him to have it. So, he waited.
Are you waiting on something today? Will you wait on the Lord like you impatiently wait on a bank teller? Or will you, like King David, trust in God’s timing and His provision?
The power in the words you say...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Reflection on being a child of God...
Whereas God does not send them, He does permit them and He can use them to draw us closer to Him and thereby accomplish His purposes in and through us.
We desperately need the wisdom to accept these painful happenings with graciousness, even with joy knowing that whatever they may be, God has the ability to transform them from ugliness to beauty, from the plots of satan designed to destroy into the purposes of God destined to do us good.
The key is a genuine faith in a loving God. A faith that frees us and strengthens us to endure whatever may come our way...
A letter from an old friend...
An extract of the letter wrote... "(A reflection from my journal)... I remember you as a friend who is open, honest and also stand up for what is right. I've asked God to one day make you be a woman of God who can lead a nation for the Christian community, especially those in deep hurts, deep need for God's love and healing. May you continue to be touched and experience the Holy Spirit and may God's calling be upon you. Dunno but sometimes I do dream and speak to God in my journal. :)
Love, Menga 29 April 2003
Its been almost 4 years since the letter and its quite amazing how life has been for me since. My Melbourne house-mate who is a caregroup leader told me she had a vision of me standing in front of a crowd preaching to people, sharing about the love of Christ. I'm really excited coz next year I'll be off to Hillsong Leadership College learning more about God, learning to be a better and more effective servant, fulfilling my destiny, leading that life of Significance!
Jesus, help me and teach me to be more like you... this I ask in your most precious name, Amen.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
At the Cross with The Passion Movie
Monday, March 5, 2007
It's my birthday
Photos of the birthday cakes I had this year.
I celebrated my 29th birthday last Wednesday on the 28th of February. It has been a great month, the month of February. Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and then my birthday. I used not fall into depression every year in the past as my birthday draws near. I always questioned my existence and I would never see a purpose in my life I didn’t think that anyone cared or bothered if I existed on the surface of the earth or not but this year things have been very different. For a girl who had not had a birthday cake for years, I’ve got an abundance of it. I had many different group of friends that celebrated my birthday for me and I want to thank all of you. Love you heaps !
The amount of love that has been pouring in this month, the number of birthday cards, well wishes and blessings that have been showering upon me is beyond what any girl could have asked for. My best friend sent me a card that wrote "Happy Birthday to one of God's nicest work of art!" That really made my day. I thot that was so sweet of her. Thank you Jesus for giving me all these friends. They are angels without wings. This is going to be the most memorable birthday ever !